Based out of Cincinnati, Ohio, Diagnostic Imaging Services provides imaging technologists throughout the Midwest for both long and short-term assignments.

It can be a more efficient and cost-effective solution: No employee costs or benefits, no management time, and no concerns about hiring an employee who is not a good fit. We eliminate the disadvantages of an employee without eliminating the beneficial imaging services to patients.

All DIS technologists are extremely skilled within their individual fields, many with over 15 years of imaging experience. Clients are able to utilize this experience to provide their patients with a knowledgeable, confident technologist who will produce quality images so a proper diagnosis can be achieved. And, since they are accustomed to working at a variety of facilities, they are able to adapt to new surroundings quickly, and will follow any special protocols that a client requests.

Yes! DIS is unique because they are able to provide imaging staffing for any period of time, even a random day here or there, unlike their competitors.

If a client has a longer term staffing need, for instance, during a longer leave of absence or for those times when a position is vacant, and we are unable to utilize our local technologists for all of their needs, we are proficient in utilizing out of town technologists to obtain the staffing coverage they require.

In addition, if a client has a vacant position needing filled, we can provide the manpower so there is no need to ever hire an expensive employee. We will save your facility money while still providing superior imaging services to your patients.

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Diagnostic Imaging Services is here to help with your technologist staffing and equipment leasing needs. Ready for us to help?

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